The SoulPath Fellowship – 6 Week Course, Recorded Live From 3/14/21 – 5/16/21

Soul Path the house of twigs thot winter clark witch business healing
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(Available on a sliding scale)

This is a live course that will be available again on May 25th as a pre-recorded series if you cannot attend the live version.

The SoulPath Fellowship is designed to help creatives, healers, intuitives, empaths and
psychics create a livelihood they love! Winter has created the ultimate program to
support you in releasing your fears and doubts (aka imposter syndrome) embracing
your gifts and skills, creating the perfect container for your magic and sharing it with
the world…because honestly the world needs all the magic and heart we can bring in!
Let’s answer the call of your soul and shine your light into the world!

We’re coming into a new paradigm; the vibration the planet is shifting into calls for
the ones who can feel, perceive, understand and support those who are beginning to
navigate their way forward.

How will we do this?? We’ll release old programming, limiting beliefs and the idea of
“not good enough” so that you can reclaim your energy and step into your power. We’ll
get into your gold to see what kind of passion, gifts, skills and talents you carry within
you while also creating a structure for that magic to alchemize from the 5D into the
3D. And of course we’ll find and amplify your voice along with your unique style to
shine into the world while discovering ways to connect with the community for
inspiration and support!

It’s a 6 week program that met biweekly via Zoom for the launch. Post-launch the
videos will be available as your resource as well as email support for the duration of
your time in the program. Each month we focus on a different area for supporting the creation of a livelihood you love!

Expectations of Participants

  • Outlines for each class will be available so that you have the notes to refer to.
  • Reflection Journals will be assigned at the end of each session. These assignments must
    be submitted in the form of a journal entry via PDF before we meet in the next
    session! If you have any questions about your Reflection Journal feel free to contact me during your course.
  • For those who are eligible, a 30 min 1:1 SoulCall Coaching session is available
    and can be arranged via email.
  • I’ll also be available by email throughout the course for support and assistance.
  • I’m SO excited to be with you on this journey of discovery and empowerment!!

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