The Wheel continues to turn as Yule begins to pass. The old year gone and the new one already underway and perhaps, as to be expected, I find myself in the woods once more. After the festivities and celebrations of Yule and Christmas, the indulgence and glamour of twinkling lights and shiny trinkets, this is […]

Today in the cat’s Eye.. BSM ASKS – I know there is a superstition about not bringing an old broom into a new house. I’m moving soon and I don’t want negativity to follow me, what is the tradition about this? REPLY – First, it is the broom you clean with on a daily basis, […]

Today in Cat’s Eye… AR ASKS – Â I need advice. Am I wasting my time giving offerings to the dead? I feel like it’s busy work and I’m wasting my time and doing it wrong. This is a lot of upkeep and for what? Plus, it’s endangering my house because I leave candles burning unattended […]

Today from the Cat’s Eye… MC ASKS – What happens if you are in a ritual circle that is complete and you break it? Is there a consequence if you break that circle when you are inside of it? REPLY – Many would answer this by telling you to energetically cut an opening in the […]