The House of Twigs: School of Ritual aims to provide excellent content in an easy to find location, with lots of unique and creative ways to access this knowledge.
The Instructors have been hand selected to provide their own creative content for this site. We take a fee from their original content sales, to provide the infrastructure to host this site, but all rights of the content belong to the instructor.
We require all attendees of the House of Twigs: School of Ritual to agree to a non-disclosure and non-compete agreement that the information taught and learned here on this site is for personal use and will not be used for commercial purposes elsewhere.
We hope to help give a voice to all aspects of such an eclectic community and are constantly on the hunt for interesting instructors and content.

If you would like to donate to help support our cause you can use Cryptocurrency or Paypal, and we greatly appreciate it. Writing, tech support, and admin is all volunteer based. Classes are the only paid content that goes to each instructor for their courses.