(Pre-Recorded Zoom) Foundational Magick & Working with the Fae – What is Magick? – February 4th, 2024

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Class 2 of 4: What is Magick?

When first learning about magick, it can be hard to know what information out there is real. Social media has many different ideas about how magic works. So what is right, and what isn’t’? In this class we will examine magick as a science, we will go over common misconceptions and how to avoid being taken in by misinformation. We will also cover a few different types of magic, divination modalities, how to use them, and why they work.

When: February 4th, 2024 11am -12:30pm PST

Where: Online via Zoom, or In person @ Queen Meb in Portland, OR  1.5 hours per class

Bring a notebook and water

Event will be recorded via zoom just in-case.

Overall these classes are aimed to help introduce people who are completely new or have been dabbling in magic and wish to learn more about how magic works as a science. Feel free to pick and choose from any class you would wish to attend. These classes are designed to work together to give foundational building blocks to help give a new way to see, understand and use magick.

About your Instructor:

Chris has been a dedicated, lifelong practitioner of martial arts, and has over a decade of teaching experience. He has worked with students of all ages and taught a broad range of topics spanning from martial arts to faery magick. 

Beginning his training as a child, his martial arts taught him the basic fundamentals of breathing, meditation, and self-discipline that would guide and influence the rest of his life, eventually leading him towards teaching. In his early 20s Chris began intuitively exploring communication with the Fae world, invoking spirits and Fae to help guide and teach him how to use magic. As his relationship to these beings grew and the lines of communication became stronger, his understanding of what is beyond the veil expanded, pushing his curiosity and dedication to this path. Over the last 7 years Chris has taken a deeper approach in his studies with 2 teachers exploring different aspects of sorcery and witchcraft.

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